Spalding University
Research Ethics Committee

Welcome to the webpage for Spalding University's Research Ethics Committee! We hope this page will be helpful to you in compiling your proposal for our review. Please follow the steps below for guidance on how to go through the REC process.

Step One: Complete the required training

All investigators, key personnel, and faculty advisors are required to complete human subjects research training at least once every three years and provide a copy of training documentation to the REC with all applications submitted for review. To complete this training, please follow the below steps:
  • Go to
  • Click on "Register" and then select "Spalding University" as the Organizational Affiliation
  • Complete the registration information (name, email, etc.) to access the modules to be completed

Step Two: Classify your research

Research proposals can fall into one of three categories. The category will determine the length of time it takes to process your proposal. You must indicate on your cover page which category your proposal falls in. Please refer to the list below to determine which category is most appropriate for you.
  • Exempt - Involves very minimal or no risk (anonymous surveys, passive observation, archival data, etc.)
  • Expedited - Involves no more than minimal risk (psychological research protocols, data from voice, video, or image recording, etc.)
  • Full Board - Involves more than minimal risk (sensitive topics, sensitive populations)

Step Three: Complete proposal materials

Please read the below information thoroughly. You must submit all of the required materials with your proposal for review. The only category that is exempt from submitting consent documents and recruitment scripts are proposals using archival data. However, proposals utilizing archival data will be required to submit a waiver of informed consent.

If materials are missing, you will be required to resubmit which can delay the review process. Templates have been provided on the right side of the page for your convenience. The Reviewer Guidelines that the REC committee use to review proposals are also located on the right side of the page. Please look through these guidelines thoroughly so you know exactly what the committee is looking for when they review your proposal. Please do not deviate from the templates provided

You will need to submit the following materials:
  • REC Cover Page (signatures of all investigators must be included - electronic signatures are now acceptable due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
  • Research Proposal (no more than 3 pages)
  • Consent Documents
    • Must be at an 8th grade reading level
  • Recruitment Script
    • Must be at an 8th grade reading level
  • Instruments/Protocols
  • Relevant Permissions (most applicable for those using archival data. You may need permissions from schools, agencies, etc.)
  • Informed Consent Waiver (most applicable for archival data. If you are able to obtain informed consent and are submitting a consent document, please do not submit the waiver)
  • CITI Certificates
  • Other Relevant Documents (may only apply to certain proposals. This may consist of a photo/video release form, parental consent document, etc.)

Step Four: Submit to the REC

All proposals must be submitted to the REC through email. Please send all required materials to You may choose to combine your materials or save them separately. However, consent documents and recruitment scripts must be saved as their own, separate files. Additionally, these must be sent over as word documents. You will receive confirmation that your proposal has been received and was sent over for processing. 

We cannot rush a proposal because it was not submitted with ample time for review. Expedited proposals can take a minimum of two weeks to review. Full board proposals are reviewed by the committee once per month (see below for meeting dates). Materials must be submitted at least one week prior to the upcoming meeting date. Proposals not received at least one week prior to the meeting date will not be reviewed until the following meeting.

If you are required to make changes, this can add extra time. Please plan accordingly.

Full Board Review Meeting Dates

January 7th, 2022
February 4th, 2022
March 4th, 2022
April 1st, 2022
May 6th, 2022
June 9th, 2022
July 7th, 2022
August 4th, 2022

As mentioned above, if your proposal requires full board review, you must submit all materials at least one week prior to the meeting date. 

Step Five: Notification of Project Status

The REC requires an annual review of research. You are responsible for updating the committee regarding the status of your project one year after approval date. If you have completed your project, please email the REC to notify them. You must use the template on the right side of the page. Similarly, if you require an extension, you must notify the committee using the template on the right side of the page. 

Your extension request must be sent over at least 30 days prior to your expiration date. If you do not request an extension before your expiration date, you are subject to renewal status and may require a new review by the REC. If your project expires before the extension request is sent over or the new review has been completed/full approval granted, you are not permitted to continue data collection during that time. 

Additional Information
  • If you have additional questions, please reach out to
  • As of April 30th, 2019, online survey research will only be approved if conducted through the University QuestionPro account. The Spalding University QuestionPro account can be located here:
  • Anyone attempting to publish or present research, a case study, etc. is required to submit to the REC for approval if they have not already done so. If you have questions about if you need REC approval for your own purposes, please email
  • Please follow this link to be directed to the OHRP website with informational materials and resources:

Addendums Deadline: If you need to submit an addendum to your project, this must be done at least 30 days prior to project expiration date. Addendums requests that are not submitted at least 30 days prior to your expiration date will not be approved. 

Snowball Sampling

Snowball recruitment consists of the researcher obtaining names and contact information from one participant for another one. For research involving sensitive topics, this may not be the best method. Using such a method could result in the researcher obtaining information about an individual that is sensitive and private without their permission. An alternate method might be asking other subjects to pass along flyers, emails, information sheets, etc. that contain contact information for the researcher to prevent a breach in confidentiality or an invasion of privacy. 

If using snowball sampling, you must indicate how you will ensure that a subject’s privacy is protected during your recruitment. The steps taken to minimize the risk of violating an individual’s privacy should be articulated in the recruitment section of the protocol.

Participants cannot receive incentives or compensation for referrals. If this is relevant to your project, you must provide the REC with an advertisement script or flyer that can be distributed electronically to other people who might be interested or qualified to participate in the study. You must let potential participants know that they may be asked to provide names of other potential recruits along with the knowledge that they have a right to decline to provide this information.

If a participant consents, you must obtain the subject’s written permission to reveal their identity for subsequent contacts on the consent form via an initialed check list item. That is, if the subject agrees to provide names of other possible contacts, they could initial a check box on the consent form that they agree to allow their identity to be revealed to subsequent contacts. Not initialing the box would be interpreted as meaning the subject is unwilling to permit their name to be used when making the additional contacts, even if they supplied the names and contact information.

Research Ethics Committee Office: 

REC Committee Members
Lisa Potts Natural Sciences, Chair - 2021-2024
Regina Martin Business - 2019-2022
Norah Chapman Psychology - 2022-2025
Kristen Harris Education - 2019-2022
Jyoti Heiple ASOT - 2021-2024
Leslie Cairo Social Work - 2021-2024
Goutam Singh Natural Sciences - 2021-2024
Cindee Quake-Rapp Community Member - 2020-2023
Nicole Hagan Graduate Assistant - 2018

​Last Updated: May 2022



REC Reviewer Guidelines
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Research Project Proposal
Cover Page
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Research Project Proposal
Additional Investigators

Research Proposal Template
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Informed Consent Example
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Archival Data Template
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Informed Consent Waiver Example
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Directions for Checking the Readability Level for Informed Consent Document
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Example Proposal Extension Request Letter
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Example of Proposal Completion Update Letter
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Addendum Request Form
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Parental Consent Template
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Assent Form Template
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Photo/Video Release Form
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